ITZ Hanson Glitz


NEW STUFF:7/16.. Ok who ever out there that still is reading this page--I am going to take down all my writing on this page. I read an essay about respect vrs disrespect and I found that writing Hanson fiction for me was a form of disrespect. I am not saying that it is for you or that what I am saying is right-I am just saying that it is for me. I mean the prolouge to my story ( I know I NEVER update it) was about a girl I MADE UP TOTALLY was Taylors best friend. Ok--If I was Taylors Best Friend I would be pissed and wondering what in the hell is this girl talking about. I would also wonder why this person had nothing better to do than to say that this girl is Taylors best friend. So if this girl ever e-mails me back and tells me that I could use her link then I will put that up. Thanks for reading! *~Laura~*

Hey I'm alive! I've been working on another story a little too, and Chapter 4 is ready. I typed it! E-mail me ( if you want me to tell you when I update the stories! ~Thanks~ *jen*

Hey! I am really sorry about my story--but by the grace of God I think that I will remember it--thanks for being soo patient!!!! Please e-mail me! *Laura*(


-1/18: I (Laura) added another chapter to my story. Chapter 4 SOON!

-1/13: I (Laura) added Chapter 2 to my story!

- 12/29 I lost my damn notebook so I lost my 2 stories I was working on...sorry i just can't get over that!

- 12/11 Chap. 1 of Laura's story is up!

- Anyone have any suggestions for our page?? We want to make it as good as we can, so E-mail us!

- Do you think like a couple of you might sign the guestbook? I'm trying not to be like everybody else, and say "SIGN MY GUESTBOOK DAMNIT!!" (O.K., they're a little nicer, but not much . . .) but I want a few people to. If you do, I'll tell you when I update my story, so you don't have to E-mail me (if you don't want me to, say it in your entry).


A Day In The Life Of Taylor Hanson
A short story about one day in Taylor's point of view. Written by: Jen
***More Than Imagination*** Chap.4 is up!
I can't really tell what it's about yet, I don't know if it's going to be very good. I'm trying to make it interesting.BTW, I changed the name just a little bit. I like it better. Written by: Jen
Hanson's Christmas Eve (NEW!)
A short story in Ike's point of view, about Christmas Eve, obviously. Written by: Jen
***ALL NEW STORY! (Untitled as of yet)***
A new story, I guarantee this one will very good. Chapters 1-4 in Part I should be up. Written by: Jen

~Links to Our Other Stuff~

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ITZ Hanson Glitz Copyright Jen & Laura 1998. All stories linked from this page are property of Jen and/or Laura, unless otherwise specified. No portion of these stories may be taken or used without permission by the author(s). The reader takes full responsibility for what they view and/or read on this page or following pages. The authors/owners of these pages are in no way affiliated with Hanson or Mercury Records.